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Hello there Tamilans around the globe,Vannakkam nice to have this blog which is the compilation of tamil radios around the world.If there's any other online radio's besides the listed do feel free to email me.

Another Tit-Bit...

வணக்கம். உங்கள் அனைவரையும் இரு கரங்கள் கூப்பி அன்புடன் வரவேற்க்கிறோம்.

Shakthi FM Sri Lanka

SHAKTHI FM, the tamil radio channel of the capital Maharaja Organization was launched on the 20th.November 1998,in order to provide entertaining news both local and international to the tamil speaking sector of Sri Lanka.

The Maharaja Organization who launched SHAKTHI FM is going through its 10th successful year was the first providing the best and the latest in radio broadcasting at all times .At the same time ,it has been providing various types of programmes to cater to both the young and old .During weekends various special programmes are broadcast under the name of “Weekend Shakthi FM”. Shakthi FM not only caters the local listeners but tamil speaking listeners around the world.

SHAKTHI FM has won the hearts of the listeners not only through radio but carrying out promotions and other various social activities outside.

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different paths

college campus lawn

wires in front of sky

aerial perspective


clouds over the highway

The Poultney Inn

apartment for rent